Thursday, 3 July 2014

Thursday, July 3, 2014 – All of Heaven Celebrates!!!!

Well, we’re getting close to the end of our week here at JPAC.  We were back at it bright and early this morning with our cabin parade and flag raising at 8:15am.

In chapel today we learned about forgiveness.  We heard the story of how David had a chance to take revenge on King Saul for trying to kill him.  Instead, David chose to keep his eyes on God and showed mercy, choosing to forgive Saul.  Our natural response is to seek revenge but if we keep our focus on God, we learn “Don’t go and do what ‘that’ side of you is telling you”. 

Pastor Bill told the campers of Jesus’ crucifixion and what that means for us today.  He talked about an imaginary chalkboard where all of our sins, or the wrong things we do, are written down.  He explained that Jesus’ death and resurrection allows that chalkboard to be wiped clean and forgotten.  The campers were then asked as a group if anyone would like to ask Jesus to come and fill them with the Holy Spirit so they can learn to live for Him.  Many of the kids raised their hand and went forward to pray with a counselor.  We will be talking more about this decision and what it means later on this afternoon during cabin devotions.  The kids were encouraged to talk with the cabin counselors and ask lots of questions if they have any. 

Following this prayer time Pastor Bill told us that the bible says that when even one person decides to live their live for Jesus, all of heaven celebrates.  How amazing!!!  We took a few minutes to join in with heaven and celebrate.  Yahoo!!!!!! 

This afternoon will run as usual with classes and recreational activities.  Tonight’s big event is our campers’ talent showcase.  Stay tuned for pictures!!!!

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