Saturday, 16 July 2016

July 15th, 2016- Day 5

Another beautiful day here at Camp Sunrise! We began the day with some great worship; the children just couldn't stop dancing and singing. Everyone was really focused on putting the finishing touches on their majors, and we know that all of the parents will be impressed when they see all that the children have learned. It has been so amazing to watch the children grow in their understanding of Gods love for them, gain confidence in stepping out of their comforts zones, and in forming many friendships sure to last a lifetime. The spirit of The Lord is definitely here, there is no denying it; you can feel it in the atmosphere;)!

Friday, 15 July 2016

July 14th, 2016- Day 4

It's hard to believe how quickly our week at camp has flown by! The kids still seem just as energetic as ever, and our morning Chapel gets more and more lively with each passing day. The kids were dancing and singing, and the walls were shaking as we all poured our hearts to God in worship! The children learned about the healing powers of Jesus, and how there is nothing we can't take to Him. The sun shone bright as the kids continue to polish up their majors in preparation for their performance on Saturday, and the day ended with our annual talent show. Wow; Camp Sunrise really does 'got talent'. These kids go beyond amazing!!!